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Part 1: The Pitch


K, I do not know how to start, if I was brainstorming on my own my idea of a video game. Am I pitching one for my own selfish pleasure or one that is educational and can be enjoyed?


I will start by listing the things that I am passionate about that can be realistically translated into the Digital Games.


Well, I am passionate about poetry, specifically rhyming, along the lines of a rap, it can be a game where the player is tasked with finding a rhyme to a given word. Each level will increase the length the player must create a rhyme and make it a more difficult word to create one.

Or alternatively, it can be where the player is given a word and definition and must weave it into the rhyme.


Ex: rhyme education into the line.

Education, it's a beautiful thing, perverse into stagnation, with a single fixation, no this rhyme does not have adulation for this obligation, it is a crime to throw kids into a grime, groveling to rise in a world of education so polarized with a division one can only verbalize in order to analyze.


This can be a pitch, the goal is to go longer and longer, the rule is to integrate the word at least once, bonus points if you can do it twice. There can also be multiple instrumentals for background music so the child can learn how to rhyme.


The next big passion I feel we can perhaps integrate to relate is History.


If I were to attempt to remix my previous idea to incorporate a history component.

Well, you could try to input historical events, places, people into a rhyme.

Maybe, either rely on the student to research the history or have a brief paragraph with an accompanying description.


Ex: incorporate hate with Hitler the leader of the fascist Reich, you must include, the words encase, leader, and hate.


Germany is a great nation, but unlike others has a history of defamation, you see groups that did not fit a certain pedigree were often told they are the enemy, placed in boxes and cages that would encase the natives as disgraces. See we hate those with different faces and especially those who come from different races preferring to throw them into the fireplaces leaving no traces. The leader of this once great nation and creator of the aberration ruled ruthlessly preferring to enact practices brutally.


Add in the instrumentals or background music and I may have a mini-song.


I feel this is a good mechanic that would incorporate education but in a more engaging manner.



Part 2: 


It is an educational game that perhaps will produce fame. I cannot help but rhyme when I am excited about a line. Basically, the game remixes the education of history and incorporates English, vocabulary, music, and poetry.


The game is this: the player is given a word or list of them and perhaps a topic or theme. The player would then have to create a rhyme or a line of poetry that incorporates one or more of the given parameters.



The game increases in difficulty by introducing multiple words or concepts for the player to have to input into the poetry. 


The goal would be to go longer and longer. 


Perhaps there can be a mode where there are pre-made lines of poetry and the player has to move them in place to create a song. 


There are also many components of music mixing involved, obviously different instrumentals but also numerous sounds to remix.

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